Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Thank You to the Phonograph

    I found learning about the phonograph very intriguing during the EOTO presentations, especially because of its impact on the music industry. The phonograph was created by Thomas Edison
and noted for its improved sound delivery and playback technology. Previous to its invention, there was no technology that was able to record sound and immediately play it for a listener to hear again. I had never before considered the way that the phonograph could be applied to the popularity of the music world. Since the phonograph was able to record sound so effectively (for the time period), it encouraged musicians to find ways to record their own music. 

The capabilities of the actual build of the phonograph extended into much more advanced uses in the future.  The production of the phonograph was applied to how these other technologies were made, especially by the usage of a cylinder and a needle within its structure. The phonograph largely contributed to the development of other music technologies, like the cassette tape and records. The presentation that covered music history and records also touched on this point. 

I think people take for granted how inventions that increased the availability of music to people have impacted our society as a whole. So many elements of human culture are enhanced by music, like people bonding over, relating to, and making political points with music. Music is ultimately its own form of communication, and technologies like the phonograph helped to strengthen that communicative outlet. Especially considering how often people stream music currently, it all has been derived from the phonograph’s playback ability and carried on to adjust with other technological advances. I was glad to learn about the phonograph because it helped me to appreciate the way that people can access and listen to music today. I believe that I find the phonograph one of the more valuable communication technology breakthroughs because of the EOTO presentation. 

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