Saturday, September 9, 2023

My Thoughts on the Supreme Court

    I didn’t realize that the Supreme Court has as strong of a focus on the American people as it turns out to have. 

    I feel like the Supreme Court has gotten a bad reputation, especially because of the way that it has been perceived in the media in recent years. It has felt like they’ve just been dealt with the primary issues pushed by political leaders in the majority party of the justices, and that the court proceedings haven’t reflected what the average American actually believes in. 

    However, I found the video about the Supreme Court very enlightening. It mentions that each day, petitions from all around the country are sent to the Supreme Court for consideration, and those are the topics that end up being argued and voted upon. Every petition does, in fact, get considered, just not all are acted upon. Random issues, or ones suggested by other branches of the government are not what the court focuses on. I honestly didn’t realize that this was the case before. 

    The most important takeaway that helped reform my view on the Supreme Court was the emphasis that no citizen of the United States can be denied due process of the law and protection under it. The video mentioned that despite things like economic status, incarceration, ethnic background, and other determining factors, all people can appeal to the Supreme Court and can be heard. The Fourteenth Amendment was an extremely large part of creating this standard that has been upheld ever since it was established. Ultimately, I feel that people sometimes forget that the Supreme Court is made up of regular people who are trying to protect every other citizen of the United States. Understanding the processes, they have to follow, and hearing the justices in the video reinforced the idea that they’re meant to serve everyone, and helped reinstate some of the hope and respect I felt like I had honestly lost for them. 

Watch the Videos for Yourself (My Sources)!

Part One

Part Two

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